Photo By kali9 at istock
When you are thinking about purchasing a home, the chances are good that you have a wide range of things to take into consideration. You may be worried about the roof as well as the home’s necessary updates. Don’t forget the plumbing! As you are working on the process to inspect your home, there are a few key things to keep in mind when it comes to plumbing. Don’t overlook the importance of having a trusted plumber by your side during this process.
#1: Working Plumbing Systems
A good place to start is with your working plumbing systems. Faucets, sinks, and toilets are all areas where you want to ensure there are no problems. Having a plumber inspect these areas is important. Flush each toilet. Turn on every faucet. By taking these steps, it is possible to ensure that you know how water and debris is flowing through the home. You also want to notice any leaks and areas of possible problems with the functionality of the system.
#2: Hot Water Tank
Your hot water tank provides a very important service for your home. Hot water isn’t an option. It helps to keep hands clean, and dishes washed. For that reason, you want to know as much as you can about the hot water heater. Is it working properly? Is it large enough for your home’s needs? Learn about the age of the system and, if applicable, the amount and type of service that has been done to it. You also want to consider how the hot water tank is located and, if you plan to upgrade it, what the likely cost of doing so will be. Your plumber can help provide you with more insight in this area.
#3: Main Sewer Drain
Most homes have a large, main sewer line that runs from the base of the home out to the street. This line moves your dirt water and materials going down the toilets and drains. Most people shouldn’t notice it – there should not be a smell or any type of backup that is noticeable. You want your plumber, if possible, to look for signs of problems with the sewer and drainage system. Are there areas outside of the home with sunken surfaces that could indicate a problem? The main sewer drain may be snaked or inspected further if you think there is something wrong.
#4: Water Meter and Water Supply
Depending on where you live, you may want to turn to the water company for a bit of insight into this area. Your water meter is usually outside of the home. Be sure it is working, but also that there is a point where the ownership of that line will move from the current property owner to you. You also want to know if you are responsible for maintaining the water line or if the company or city does that. This type of information can help you to be prepared for potential problems that may occur over time.
#5: Water Leaks
One of the ways a plumber can help during a home inspection is to simply look for signs of water leaks and damage. For example, if you have a basement, he or she will be able to notice changes in the ceiling tiles in the basement that indicate water damage above. Damage to drywall or other areas in the home can also point to these types of risks. Your plumber will also be able to inspect the home for any signs of water damage through moisture testing. Water leaks may be nothing more than a simple repair, but you want to know about them before you buy your home.
#6: Water Flowing Away from the Home
The grading of the landscaping around your home matters. When rain hits the roof, you want it to move down through the gutters and out away from the home. The problem is that often gutters are missing, or the grading is not moving water away but towards the home. This can lead to problems with the home’s foundation. It can often cause foundation damage and leaks in the basement. If you have a musty smell in the basement, it could be due to this factor.
#7: Upgrade Needs
You may be looking forward to tearing out an old kitchen and remodeling that aged bathroom. These can be exciting opportunities. However, it helps to have a plumber on hand to give you some insight into what it will take to make these upgrades happen. For example, you may want to have a plumbing service inspect the location of drain and water lines in each room. You also want to have them take a closer look at the home’s setup to determine if there are aged pipes that could become a problem over time. The more information you know now, the better.
Working with Your Plumber
If you are moving to a new area, having the insight your plumber can offer is critical. It can determine the outcome of your purchase in many cases. Sometimes, the problems found can be corrected by the existing homeowner prior to the purchase. Even if that doesn’t happen, it is best to have a licensed plumbing service handle the inspection and repair work after the repairs.
The more you know about the plumbing condition in your home, the better. It pays to invest wisely in a team that can provide you with a comprehensive overview of the home’s water and plumbing needs. Then, create a maintenance plan with your team to start tackling any concerns before you move in or over the course of several months once you are in place in your new home.
You Don’t Have to Make These Decisions Yourself – Let Us Help You
At bluefrog Plumbing + Drain, we offer the type of support you need as you are working on buying a home and after you move in. Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer and how to get fast, reliable help in no time. Call your plumber today.